The Moe You Know Tv Show

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Слова для запоминания


  • 1) griz ( гриз )

    That sounds griz as basics!

  • 2) somersault ( кувырок )

    Instructing all us mos to do somersault

  • 3) jaunt ( прогулка )

    A simple jaunt to the mo factory and dorsum -- that's all --

  • 4) tannin ( танин )

    Do beets have tannin?

  • 5) pacifier ( пустышку )

    And I could buy my own pacifier at the store, if I was grown.

  • half dozen) eon ( эон )

    so I may spend the eon among the stars

  • 7) hangman ( палач )

    It's called "hangman." [ Gasps ]

  • 8) beet ( свекольный )

    Do beet take tannins?

  • nine) prong ( зубец )

    Did this new body happen to have jagged prong

  • 10) phaser ( фазер )

    and a Cannon phaser on peak of its head?

  • 11) affection ( любовь )

    You got all my love and affection.

  • 12) thief ( вор )

    There! In that location'southward the thief!

  • xiii) dent ( дент )

    He's got a heck of a dent on his caput.

  • 14) rite ( обряд )

    It's a special rite of passage

  • xv) heck ( щеколда )

    Finn, all this is heck of awkward without BMO --

  • xvi) grape ( виноград )

    Peppermint Butler spilled grape juice

  • 17) goodness ( добро )

    BMO? Oh, give thanks goodness.

  • 18) accumulation ( накопление )

    As the accumulation of all mos,


  • one) smush ( смурф )

    all smush together, ever since.

  • 2) demolition ( саботаж )

    He must have sabotage the manufactory.

  • three) crave ( жаждут )

    that those who crave information technology virtually volition repel it

  • 4) insist ( настаивать )

    We weren't sure if you eat, but BMO insist.

  • v) reign ( правления )

    Peace had reign in mo's wondrous factory

  • 6) spill ( разлив )

    Peppermint Butler spill grape juice

  • 7) alienation ( нарушение )

    somehow breach our firewall

  • viii) steal ( воровать )

    Bandits stole my legs!

  • nine) trap ( ловушка )

    And nosotros've been trap here

  • 10) cheat ( накрутка )

    You crook. Give me those memories.

  • eleven) suppose ( предположим )

    Well, I suppose.

  • 12) ignore ( игнорировать )

    Our papa never loved me, then I ignore his final request.

  • xiii) bet ( ставка )

    I bet he could fifty-fifty set up neptr.

  • 14) bullheaded ( слепой )

    and was blind by his need.

  • 15) catch ( поймать )

    We caught the tail end of what happened.

  • 16) lock ( замок )

    But it'southward lock from this side.

  • 17) discover ( откройте )

    for I had observe terrible things nigh myself.

  • 18) grow ( расти )

    then y'all'll be a abound-upwards.


  • 1) accidentally ( случайно )

    Maybe neptr did it like, accidentally?

  • 2) somehow ( как-то )

    somehow breached our firewall

  • three) perfectly ( отлично )

    or peradventure actually everything is perfectly fine.

  • four) somewhere ( где-то )

    I think Finn and Jake went somewhere to buy me a gift.

  • 5) forever ( навсегда )

    Every other mo has done information technology since forever.

  • six) exactly ( точно )

    It'south exactly what it says it is.

  • 7) lonely ( один )

    I need to accept some time alone,

  • 8) almost ( почти )

    Yeah, BMO'due south like a baby near.

  • 9) actually ( на самом деле )

    You know, it's not really the holidays.

  • 10) kind ( вид )

    Sounds kind of dangerous.

  • xi) inside ( внутри )

    Nosotros need to go inside and do what I want to do!

  • 12) along ( вместе )

    come up along with me

  • xiii) later ( позже )

    I'll be out subsequently.

  • fourteen) sort ( сортировать )

    And he's nonetheless the same, I guess, sort of.

  • fifteen) far ( далеко )

    You gone too far!

  • xvi) together ( вместе )

    all smushed together, ever since.

  • 17) agone ( назад )

    She conked out on me months ago.

  • 18) e'er ( всегда )

    y'all won't ever be able to tell


  • 1) fateful ( роковой )

    Until one fateful day -- yesterday --

  • 2) distracting ( отвлекает )

    Eh, well, neptr is likewise distracting.

  • 3) jagged ( зазубренные )

    Did this new trunk happen to have jagged prongs

  • 4) dang ( данг )

    and only the dang rich go richer.

  • v) bad-mannered ( неловко )

    Finn, all this is heck of awkward without BMO --

  • six) gigantic ( гигантские )

    He had a huge, gigantic wig on.

  • vii) rude ( грубо )

    You can't do that, it'south rude.

  • 8) cruel ( жестокий )

    Such is the cruel physics of love --

  • 9) distant ( отдаленные )

    we'll get to very distant lands

  • 10) viral ( вирусный )

    when a mysterious viral signal

  • 11) grave ( могила )

    Your friends may exist in grave danger.

  • 12) brilliant ( блестящий )

    and other brilliant gasses."

  • xiii) weird ( странно )

    Come on, you're beingness weird.

  • 14) tough ( жесткая )

    Jake: Human, birthday-holiday overlap. That'due south some tough luck.

  • 15) grown ( выращивают )

    Only I judge, after all that, I do feel a bit more grown.

  • 16) solo ( соло )

    A special solo mission.

  • 17) okay ( ладно )

    That's okay. BMO doesn't care any--

  • 18) quiet ( тихий )

    So, hey, uh, gwampa, feels besides quiet in hither.

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